Monday, July 6, 2015

I'm on Vacation!

I wrote this last summer but lately it applies, right? I'll be back next time :)

Yesterday was hot and sticky in the metro Portland/Vancouver area with temps buzzing around a hundred degrees and humid conditions. Today will be a little better but still a touch uncomfortable. Meanwhile at the coast things are much cooler. Sure there might be a few sprinkles and maybe even a shower or two, but the temps will stay very comfortable in the mid sixties. Coastal living has its perks.

One of the attractions to living at the coast is the very temperate climate. The weather really doesn't fluctuate that much on temperature. You get long steady streams of mild weather that you can count on. Sure it can be breezy and wet, but it is dependable. In fact the forecast for the next ten days is mid sixties by day and mid fifties by night. Go ahead, set your watch.

The lifestyle is lazy and comfortable and who doesn't like that; at least once in awhile. Out at the coast life is just better. Come on out for a visit and hey, why not buy a house while you're at it :)